Read BarCode or QR Code using jQuery WebCodeCam Plugin

Today I am going to introduce jquery plugin to scan BarCode or QR Code . You can scan QR code or Bar Code through webcam. A callback function is invoked when the image is Barcode or QR code is decoded. The plugin can also control the captured zoom level, image brightness, contrast, sharpness, threshold, etc.

Integrate BarCode or QR Code Reader


Include required libraries on page, Include qrcode lib to decode qr code pattern.

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/qrcodelib.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/webcodecamjs.js"></script>


Add simple canvas tag where qr code or bar code reader will work.



Now finally add javascript on page to make qr code or bar code reader actionable.

<script type="text/javascript">
            var txt = "innerText" in HTMLElement.prototype ? "innerText" : "textContent";
            var arg = {
                resultFunction: function(result) {
                        result.format: code format,
                        result.code: decoded string,
                        result.imgData: decoded image data
                    var aChild = document.createElement('li');
                    aChild[txt] = result.format + ': ' + result.code;
    /* -------------------------------------- Available parameters --------------------------------------*/
    var options = {
        DecodeQRCodeRate: 5,                    // null to disable OR int > 0 !
        DecodeBarCodeRate: 5,                   // null to disable OR int > 0 !
        successTimeout: 500,                    // delay time when decoding is succeed
        codeRepetition: true,                   // accept code repetition true or false
        tryVertical: true,                      // try decoding vertically positioned barcode true or false
        frameRate: 15,                          // 1 - 25
        width: 320,                             // canvas width
        height: 240,                            // canvas height
        constraints: {                          // default constraints
            video: {
                mandatory: {
                    maxWidth: 1280,
                    maxHeight: 720
                optional: [{
                    sourceId: true
            audio: false
        flipVertical: false,                    // boolean
        flipHorizontal: false,                  // boolean
        zoom: -1,                               // if zoom = -1, auto zoom for optimal resolution else int
        beep: 'audio/beep.mp3',                 // string, audio file location
        decoderWorker: 'js/DecoderWorker.js',   // string, DecoderWorker file location
        brightness: 0,                          // int
        autoBrightnessValue: false,             // functional when value autoBrightnessValue is int
        grayScale: false,                       // boolean
        contrast: 0,                            // int
        threshold: 0,                           // int 
        sharpness: [],      // to On declare matrix, example for sharpness ->  [0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0]
        resultFunction: function(result) {
                result.format: code format,
                result.code: decoded string,
                result.imgData: decoded image data
        cameraSuccess: function(stream) {           //callback funtion to camera success
        canPlayFunction: function() {               //callback funtion to can play
        getDevicesError: function(error) {          //callback funtion to get Devices error
        getUserMediaError: function(error) {        //callback funtion to get usermedia error
        cameraError: function(error) {              //callback funtion to camera error  
    /*---------------------------- Example initializations Javascript version ----------------------------*/
    new WebCodeCamJS("canvas").init(arg);
    /* OR */
    var canvas = document.querySelector('#webcodecam-canvas');
    new WebCodeCamJS(canvas).init();
    /* OR */
    new WebCodeCamJS('#webcodecam-canvas').init();
    /*------------------------ Example initializations jquery & Javascript version ------------------------*/
    var decoder = new WebCodeCamJS('#webcodecam-canvas');
    var decoder = $("#webcodecam-canvas").WebCodeCamJQuery(args).data().plugin_WebCodeCamJQuery;
    decoder.buildSelectMenu('#camera-select', sel); //sel : default camera optional
    /* Chrome & ': build select menu
    *  Firefox: the default camera initializes, return decoder object 
    //simple initialization
    /* Select environment camera if available */
    decoder.buildSelectMenu('#camera-select', 'environment|back').init(args);
    /* Select user camera if available */
    decoder.buildSelectMenu('#camera-select', 'user|front').init(args);
    /* Select camera by name */
    decoder.buildSelectMenu('#camera-select', 'facecam').init(args);
    /* Select first camera */
    decoder.buildSelectMenu('#camera-select', 0).init(args);
    /* Select environment camera if available, without visible select menu*/
    decoder.buildSelectMenu(document.createElement('select'), 'environment|back').init().play();   
    /* --------------------------------------- Available Functions: ----------------------------------------*/
    /* camera stop & delete stream */
    /* camera play, restore process */;
    /* get current image from camera */
    /* decode local image */
    /* if url is defined download image before staring open process */
    /* get optimal zoom */
    /* Configurable options */
    /* Example: 
    ** decoder.options.brightness = 20;         - set brightness to 20
    ** decoder.options.DecodeQRCodeRate = null; - disable qrcode decoder

See live demo and download source code.


See official github repository for more information and follow for future updates.