50 Popular Angular Datepicker Plugins

Are you looking for Angular Datepicker Plugins for your web based application. If yes then in this post I am going to share hand picked top rated Angular Datepicker Plugins. You can use these popular Angular Datepicker Plugins to make your web application more awesome.


Angular Datepicker Plugins

Following are the list of popular top rated hand picked Angular Datepicker Plugins.

S.No. Name Details Popularity(Likes)
1 angular-datepicker Angularjs datepicker module, generate a datepicker on your input element – https://720kb.github.io/angular-datepicker 485
2 angular-datepicker calendar and datepicker directives for angular 745
3 angular-datepicker Angular.js Date/Time Picker 299
4 angular-datepicker Highly configurable date picker built for Angular applications 334
5 saturn-datepicker Angular Material Datepicker with range selection 238

6 mydatepicker Angular 2+ date picker 559
7 ngx-mydatepicker Angular 2+ attribute directive datepicker 121
8 ng-bootstrap Angular powered Bootstrap 7.4k
9 Angular-2-Datepicker A minimalist datepicker inspired by Google’s material design 74
10 ion-datepicker Date picker for Ionic 72
11 angular-schema-form-datepicker Datepicker add-on for Angular Schema Form using pickadate! 44
12 ngx-bootstrap Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular (supports Ivy engine) 5k
13 angular-bootstrap-datepicker 35

14 jalali-angular-datepicker Highly configurable jalali (shamsi, khorshidi, persian) date picker built for Angular ( 2 or more ) applications 110
15 angular-mighty-datepicker 83
16 angular-pickadate A simple and fluid inline datepicker for AngularJS with no extra dependencies. 282
17 angular-moment-picker Angular Moment Picker is an AngularJS directive for date and time picker using Moment.js. 538
18 angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker Native Angular date/time picker component styled by Twitter Bootstrap 1.3k
19 angular-bootstrap-persian-datepicker A clean, flexible, and fully customizable persian date picker 50
20 ng2-datetime Datetime picker plugins wrapper for Angular2+ 165
21 angular-eonasdan-datetimepicker A wrapper directive around the Eonasdan Datepicker v4 component. 64
22 angular-mydatepicker Angular datepicker and date range picker 34
23 simple-angular2-datepicker A simple date picker developed as a Angular2 component 14
24 angular-bootstrap3-datepicker A Simple datepicker directive based on bootstrap3-datetimepicker 19
25 ng-flat-datepicker Lightweight Angular.js datepicker built with Moment.js and from scratch CSS 40
26 Angular2-DatePicker DatePicker of Angular2 using Bootflat style 14
27 DatePicker Date Picker compatible with Zurb Foundation under Angular framework. 11
28 angular-io-datepicker 24
29 angular-datepicker Clean and well optimized datepicker directive for angular. 20
30 angular2-datepicker Angular2 date time picker 8
31 angular2-air-datepicker Angular2 Datepicker | Native implementation of air-datepicker 16
32 ionic4-datepicker Ionic 4 Datepicker component 68
33 ng-daterangepicker Angular Date Range Picker inspired by PayPal’s one 70
34 DatePicker-IonicApp This is the demo app on how to use angular-datepicker in ionic framework for hybrid apps. 38
35 angular-datepicker A simple, elegant and easily customizable datepicker in Angular 24
36 ic-datepicker Angular (2+) datepicker component 27
37 mat-datepciker-module-persian Persian Jalali datepicker for Angular Material – dependent on (material, cdk, moment-jalaali) 67
38 ng2-datepicker-jalali datepicker jalali for angular 2 19
39 angular-bulma-datepicker A datepicker made with Angular 5, Bulma.css and Moment.js 10
40 ngx-combo-datepicker Angular 4+ Combo Datepicker 7
41 angular-material-datepicker Prototype of a Material Design Datepicker Component for Angular 2 based on Angular-2-Datepicker by Kevin O’Leary (kol… 6
42 datetimeRangePicker An angular directive that includes a Datepicker and a time range picker 56
43 pikaday_datepicker_angular2 provides a datepicker as Angular2 component 5
44 ng2-flatpickr Angular 2+ wrapper for flatpickr (https://github.com/chmln/flatpickr) 78
45 angular2-datepicker This article on Angular 2 DatePicker demos how to use the DatePicker UI element from the Angular 2 bootstrap project 5
46 ngx-datetimepicker An Angular component for a customizable date and time picker 28
47 AngularMaterialJalaliDate Jalali moment DateAdapter for angular material datepicker 19
48 angular-datepicker-light AngularJS datepicker plugin 6
49 ion2-calendar A date picker components for ionic2 /ionic3 / ionic4 506
50 ng-infinite-calendar Infinite scrollable calendar for angular 8

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